UniMIB is a public academic institution, established in 1998. The Department of Biotechnology and Bioscience (BTBS) is highly interdisciplinary and intersectoral and covers aspects of basic and applied research in the field of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. Research lines are Health, Food, Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biodiversity and Ecosystem. It leads the Spoke N° 5 of the recently developed National Biodiversity Future Centre, sponsored by the Next generation EU Fund. NBFC has two main general objectives: (a) understand and address direct drivers for biodiversity decline at marine, terrestrial and urban level and (b) valorising biodiversity to make it a central element for sustainable development.
Partner role in BioINSouth
UniMIB leads Task 4.4., which involves the set-up of the Methodology to study the Biodiversity and ecosystems integrity, and has an active participation in several other WPs, such as WP5 and WP6.