NKUA is a research University founded over 185 years ago. The NKUA has attained recognition as an Institution of educational and scientific excellence and as a source of intellectual wealth for Greece. The NKUA is committed to work towards the advancement of critical human capacities, contribute to sustainable development and social cohesion. NKUA has a strong record in national, international and EU research programs. It has established a new research center with 16 institutes. Among them, the Bio3 (Research Institute for Biotechnology-Circular Bioeconomy-Sustainable Development), involved in the current application.
Partner role in BioINSouth
NKUA leads WP6, providing guidelines to support policymakers to incorporate sustainability and circularity considerations into regional bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps. It also participates in other WPs, such as WP2, WP3, and WP5.