In Italy, BioINSouth focuses on the region of Campania. 91.5% of Campania area is rural. Utilised agricultural land accounts for 40% of the total area, while forest land represents 28%. Campania’s Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) identify the bioeconomy as a sector with significant growth perspectives. The strategy prioritizes initiatives aiming to valorise by-products and waste materials from the agri-food supply chain. Furthermore, the RIS3 strategy enlarge the bioeconomy to the broader context of the Blue Economy, emphasizing sustainable practices in marine and coastal development. The region encourages strategies that simplify industrial processes, incorporate renewable resources, promote recycling and regeneration, extend product lifecycles, reduce waste, support integrated sectors, and revitalize abandoned agro-forestry areas in line with SDGs9. The Region’s Economic and Finance document DEFRC 2020-2022 emphasizes initiatives and technological innovation, particularly in bioeconomy, and circular economy.
Italy participates in the BioINSouth consortium with Spring Cluster (Coordinator), University of Napoli Federico II (Campania region), University of Milan Bicocca, and Innovation Engineering.