ASOI is an innovation cluster in the agri-food and bioeconomy sector, located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie region. It gathers 430 members (mainly SMEs, but also large companies, local authorities, research and education organizations, and sectoral associations). ASOI has a 6-axis innovation strategy, 2 of which are directly linked to the project’s theme: (i) preserving natural resources and adapting production to climate change, (ii) enhancing the value of resources and by-products as part of a bioeconomy. In its operational deployment plan, it aims to support the development of the local bioeconomy.
Partner role in BioINSouth
ASOI plays an important role in the activities of WP5, helping to analyze the bioeconomy sector in each BioINSouth regional HUB. It also participates in WP2, WP3, and WP6.